Report of Fixi website

About the Evaluation

Report Creator
Product owner: Sander van der Klugt
Evaluation Commissioner
Product owner: Sander van der Klugt, UX-Designer: Janne van Hooff
Evaluation date
Thu Mar 09 2023

Executive Summary

This accessibility report has been performed using a public, well documented evaluation- and inspection method: WCAG-EM.

This report has been created using the report tool provided by!/.

For the most part, is accessible. There are some action points to take:

  • The cookie plugin is not fully accessible by the keyboard
  • No feedback message is given once the user is creating a report and clicks meanwhile for example the settings page.

Scope of the Evaluation

Website name
Scope of the website
This scope contains all Fixi pages for the citizen to create new and view already made reports about the public space in the municipality.
WCAG Version
Conformance target
Accessibility support baseline
Compliant with all web browsers and assistive technologies
Additional evaluation requirements
This evaluation will cover all web pages and web content of the website for the citizen.

Detailed Audit Results


Reported on 50 of 50 WCAG 2.1 AA Success Criteria.

All Results

1 Perceivable

1.1 Text Alternatives
Success Criterion Result Observations
1.1.1: Non-text Content

Result: Passed

1.2 Time-based Media
Success Criterion Result Observations
1.2.1: Audio-only and Video-only (Prerecorded)

Result: Not present

1.2.2: Captions (Prerecorded)

Result: Not present

1.2.3: Audio Description or Media Alternative (Prerecorded)

Result: Not present

1.2.4: Captions (Live)

Result: Not present

1.2.5: Audio Description (Prerecorded)

Result: Not present

1.3 Adaptable
Success Criterion Result Observations
1.3.1: Info and Relationships

Result: Passed


All input fields have the area-required tag that is either true or false

1.3.2: Meaningful Sequence

Result: Passed

1.3.3: Sensory Characteristics

Result: Passed

1.3.4: Orientation

Result: Passed

1.3.5: Identify Input Purpose

Result: Passed

1.4 Distinguishable
Success Criterion Result Observations
1.4.1: Use of Color

Result: Passed

1.4.2: Audio Control

Result: Not present

1.4.3: Contrast (Minimum)

Result: Passed

1.4.4: Resize text

Result: Passed

1.4.5: Images of Text

Result: Not present

1.4.10: Reflow

Result: Passed

1.4.11: Non-text Contrast

Result: Passed

1.4.12: Text Spacing

Result: Passed

1.4.13: Content on Hover or Focus

Result: Passed

2 Operable

2.1 Keyboard Accessible
Success Criterion Result Observations
2.1.1: Keyboard

Result: Failed



  • Cookie settings plugin can not be used with a keyboard

Cause: duo the plugin that is been used

Action: Investigate to use another plugin to display the cookie settings

Planning: 01-01-2024

Fixed in this version

  • Feedback about Fixi is now compliant and fixed
2.1.2: No Keyboard Trap

Result: Not present

2.1.4: Character Key Shortcuts

Result: Not present

2.2 Enough Time
Success Criterion Result Observations
2.2.1: Timing Adjustable

Result: Not present

2.2.2: Pause, Stop, Hide

Result: Not present

2.3 Seizures and Physical Reactions
Success Criterion Result Observations
2.3.1: Three Flashes or Below Threshold

Result: Not present

2.4 Navigable
Success Criterion Result Observations
2.4.1: Bypass Blocks

Result: Passed

2.4.2: Page Titled

Result: Passed


Fixi stays more or less on the same webpage continuously, what we do is once a user presses on a specific item or menu, we show behind the page title.

2.4.3: Focus Order

Result: Passed


The focus order is logical and consistent with the navigational meaning

2.4.4: Link Purpose (In Context)

Result: Passed

2.4.5: Multiple Ways

Result: Not present

2.4.6: Headings and Labels

Result: Passed


All sections have proper headings and labels.

2.4.7: Focus Visible

Result: Passed


Findings all focus indicators are visible to the user

2.5 Input Modalities
Success Criterion Result Observations
2.5.1: Pointer Gestures

Result: Not present

2.5.2: Pointer Cancellation

Result: Passed


You have always the option to stop with the report that you are creating.

2.5.3: Label in Name

Result: Passed

2.5.4: Motion Actuation

Result: Not present

3 Understandable

3.1 Readable
Success Criterion Result Observations
3.1.1: Language of Page

Result: Passed


The user is able to set the language on the website itself. The website also responds once the user has set the browser language to English as a default.

3.1.2: Language of Parts

Result: Passed

3.2 Predictable
Success Criterion Result Observations
3.2.1: On Focus

Result: Passed


No elements have an action on focus alone.

3.2.2: On Input

Result: Passed


There is no change in context on input

3.2.3: Consistent Navigation

Result: Passed


Navigation throughout the application is the same, unless the user has been logged in. This action is an action initiated by the user.

3.2.4: Consistent Identification

Result: Passed


All components are designed in a consistent manner.

3.3 Input Assistance
Success Criterion Result Observations
3.3.1: Error Identification

Result: Passed


The user is informed with an error message once the user forgets to fill in an input field, or made a mistake like using an invalid email address.

3.3.2: Labels or Instructions

Result: Passed


All inputs have a proper label.

3.3.3: Error Suggestion

Result: Passed


The user is notified what they should do whenever an error shows up.

3.3.4: Error Prevention (Legal, Financial, Data)

Result: Failed


Once a user is creating a report and clicks f.e. on 'Show my reports', the user doesn't get a notification that the report isn't saved.

Action: Once a user clicks while making a report somewhere else in the webpage, the user should get a pop-up whether he or she is sure to leave the report.

Planning: 01-01-2024

4 Robust

4.1 Compatible
Success Criterion Result Observations
4.1.1: Parsing

Result: Passed

4.1.2: Name, Role, Value

Result: Passed

4.1.3: Status Messages

Result: Passed


Success and failed messages are used in the website; a user gets informed via a toast message when f.e. the report is made or his/her personal information is saved in the settings page.

Sample of Audited Web Pages

  1. Create report -
  2. Login page -
  3. Setting page -
  4. List of reported issues -
  5. -

Web Technology

HTML,CSS,WAI-ARIA,JavaScript,SVG,React,DOM,ECMAScript5,ECMAScript 3,ECMAScript 6

Recording of Evaluation Specifics

Not provided