22 July 2022

Performance Automation Testing | Healthcare

This webinar brings to you a potential solution to the problems faced by organizations in terms of application performance and how a performance test automation could help to resolve these problems.

test automation

With increasing number of users accessing the application simultaneously, a software is likely to suffer from long load time, poor response time, poor scalability, and bottlenecking.
If the software does not perform optimally, it will turn away customers who have become accustomed to speed. Users will switch off, if they find the software has excessive load time which will eventually impact business.

To ensure that the system will meet the expected service levels in production as well as to render a positive user experience, it is critical to undertake performance testing.
These tests will also help to avoid the cost of solving a problem in production performance that can be prohibitive therefore a continuous or an ongoing performance testing strategy is advisable.



Performance Testing Fundamentals
Few Industry statistics on Automation Testing
Advantages of Performance Tests
Types of Performance Testing
Performance Test Tools
Demonstration of a performance test scenario
automation testing

Why should you use Performance testing?

Performance testing is used to check how well an application can deal with user traffic by putting a repeated scenario on an application. It is likely to analyze breaking points and assess projected behavior. The most common issues highlighted by performance tests are related to speed, response times, load times and scalability.

Please watch the full webinar to learn more about performance automation testing.

This webinar was presented by Decos, a cutting-edge technology services partner ready to meet your diversified needs in the healthcare domain.

If you have any questions about this webinar or wish to seek advice on UI/UX design, please contact Devesh at devesh.agarwal@decos.com

We would love to discuss it with you! 

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