NOAH Integration
Noah was introduced and is supported by the Hearing Instrument Manufacturers’ Software Association (HIMSA). The Noah system is a unified system for performing patient-related tasks in the field of audiology. Integration of a Patient Management System (PMS) is one of the foremost consistent trends we see today within audiology.

All audiology equipment manufacturers began developing their own software to assist audiologists and dispensers in programming the hearing aids(devices). This is where the problems started since most audiologists do not do business with just one manufacturer.
Audiologists could often simulate what the gain would be in a particular software but if they wanted to look at what another manufacturer had to offer, they would have to start all over again since it used a different database.
Another issue was that the audiogram is the most basic piece of information required to execute fittings, and while several manufacturers had software, each had its own database. Users would have to electronically submit the audiometric score after storing the essential patient information.
Reengineering became necessary to acquire and retain customers, to reduce support cost and making the application scalable enough to address the increased user base.
2. Solution Implemented
According to HIMSA, the Noah software system is designed specifically for the hearing care industry, providing hearing care professionals with a unified system for performing clientrelated tasks.
The heart of Noah is its “integration framework”, supported by over 100 hearing care companies worldwide. With Noah, you can measure a client’s hearing loss – with audiograms, speech tests, or loudness scaling, for example – using a tool from one supplier.
The results will then be passed automatically to the common database, for use by any of several fitting systems from other suppliers. If you look at a lot of the manufacturers' fitting software, you will notice that they all handle things slightly differently, but thanks to NOAH, they all follow a similar workflow, which makes it easier for end users to understand how everything works.
To achieve this integration of Noah and client PMS, we developed an easy-to-use patient management system with the help of Noah integration framework.
This patient management system has all the functionalities which are there in Noah system like import, export, search, add, edit delete patient demographic data. Audiologist can use all the Noah compatible instruments and fitting software with this system to perform the tests.
3. Benefits Derived
Some of the key benefits of this big project, were
- Patient management system is HIPAA compliance and Noah certified system.
- EMR (Electronic medical records) integrated with client’s PMS.
- No need of local patient management system for scheduling if you have this PMS. The patient management system works as client-server, so it could be used at multiple locations but still have a common database.
Latest Insights: As of January 2022, Noah is now installed on an estimated 130,000 PCs in over 150 countries.
Our team is here to help you streamline patient-related tasks, integrate seamlessly with audiology equipment, and ensure HIPAA compliance. Let's take your practice to the next level together!
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